OHCHR Endorses GCM Borders Event

Leonardo Castilho (OHCHR)

Leonardo Castilho (OHCHR)

GCM hosted a celebration and interactive dialogue to mark the launch of new Principles and Guidelines on the protection and promotion of human rights at international borders. GCM members were involved in the drafting process of this important document—a process led by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). In support of the GCM event, OHCHR sent its representative, Leonardo Castilho, and also sent a letter endorsing our initiative.

OHCHR would like to express its sincere gratitude for the unwavering support and enthusiasm with which members of the Global Coalition on Migration, and notably the speakers on the panel today, have engaged in the process of developing the Principles and Guidelines. Members of the Global Coalition on Migration have also been key partners in the discussions on the protection of the human rights of migrants at international borders…

Read the full endorsement letter here.