GCM Strategic Planning Meeting Part 1 (Accra)

The GCM today concluded part 1 of its year-long strategic planning exercise. The meeting was held in Accra, Ghana, in conjunction with the inaugural African Civil Society Forum on Migration, Development & Human Rights, which is being organized by GCM member, the Pan African Network in Defense of Migrants Rights (PANiDMR).

With a thorough landscape assessment of history and conditions from around the world, a power-mapping exercise, reviewing our collective values and principles, and envisioning new frameworks and possibilities, the GCM members concluded with a resounding sense of building collective strength and unity.

On a side note, members also expressed grave concern over the recent 2012 CSD (Civil Society Days) acceptance letters that were recently received by potential delegates, indicating the lack of any funding to support participation in this year’s CSD. As a result, the GCM members agreed to draft a joint letter to the states, to express our concern and call for urgent support of at least 125 participants.

GCM members now turn to the African Forum — GCM members are the only non-Africans invited to this critical regional forum — in preparation for the 2012 GFMD, and other key upcoming events such as the 2012 WSFM in Manila, and 2013 HLD in New York.