Interview with GCM International Coordinator, Monami Maulik
How can civil society organizations use the Global Compact for Migration? Earlier this year, Global Coalition on Migration International Coordinator, Monami Maulik, spoke with PICUM on the engagement of civil society organizations in the Global Compact for Migration process leading up to the negotiations that took place from March to July…
Watch Activists Speak to Member States at Final Day of Global Compact Negotiations
NEW YORK, July 13 – Last month, Global Coalition on Migration members joined Member State representatives and civil society allies in finalizing the eighteen-month process to develop the text for the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which began with the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants….
Statement to Human Rights Council March 10
34th regular session of the Human Rights Council 10 March 2017 Enhanced interactive dialogue on the human rights of migrants in the context of large movements Comments by Monami Maulik International Coordinator, Global Coalition on Migration Excellencies and colleagues, particularly migrant organizers and civil society friends. …