GCM Launches #GlobalMovements Newsletter & IG Account

The Global Coalition on Migration is thrilled to introduce #GlobalMovements – a bi-monthly newsletter that highlights developments in migrant rights advocacy and analysis from our diverse membership.

The first issue of #GlobalMovements looks at GCM’s mobilization for UN Migration Week in Marrakech, which culminated in the adoption of the Global Compact for Migration in December of last year.

It also features Alianza Americas’ response to the humanitarian crisis along the U.S.-Mexico border, and a video, courtesy of PICUM, detailing the importance of creating firewalls to ensure migrants have access to healthcare services without fear of deportation. Make sure to check out the calendar to keep abreast of events related to migration.

GCM has also launched an Instagram account to share updates on our programs and advocacy. Follow us on IG at @gcmigration_ for insta posts and stories on our work!