3 December 2011 will go down as an important and historic day in GCM history. After a long and comprehensive evaluation of the 2011 GFMD (Global Forum on Migration & Development), CSD (Civil Society Days) and PGA (People’s Global Action on Migration, Development & Human Rights), the GCM members turned their attention back to the need for a coalition to envision and create new international migration policy frameworks and support strong governance around that. In a resounding “aye”, all members and observers present affirmed the formation of the GCM and pledged full support and active participation, and thus the GCM was launched.
The GCM members and observers also agreed that the next year should be focussed on an intensive and comprehensive strategic planning exercise for the GCM to create a long-term plan to achieve our goals. To cap off a long, busy and exhaustive week in Geneva, we celebrated with a small dinner and looked forward to re-group in the new year.