November 2011 – 6th PGA (Geneva)

Members of the GCM today kicked off the 6th People’s Global Action on Migration, Development & Human Rights (PGA) in Geneva, Switzerland, with an evening briefing session of its largest delegations.

Over 60 members of the EWG (European Working Group), MFA (Migrant Forum in Asia), MRI (Migrants Rights International), NALACC (National Alliance of Latin and Caribbean Communities), NNIRR (National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights), PANiDMR (Pan African Network in Defense of Migrants Rights), PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants), UMW (United Methodist Women) and others packed into the Maisons des Associations to discuss the upcoming week of GFMD, CSD and of course the PGA itself.

The delegations expressed concern about what unified messages we can carry to the states about migration and development, and the need to build strong voices to articulate these. Everyone also showed much anticipation about the CSD this year, the first time that civil society itself is organizing it through the Coordinating Office at ICMC (International Catholic Migration Commission), and the many opportunities for joint sessions with the PGA, including sessions on the future of the forum and the cultural evening tomorrow night.

The PGA runs from 29 November – 2 December, ending with a wrap-up of Geneva and kicking off the Road to Mauritius.