First GCM exploratory meetings (Geneva)

The first exploratory meetings of the Global Coalition on Migration (GCM) ended today in Geneva, Switzerland with an affirmation of all organizations present, to create a new global civil society coalition to collectively work on international migration policy and practice.

The representing organizations agreed on:
– naming the coalition Global Coalition on Migration (GCM)
– appointing Colin Rajah as Coordinator of the new coalition, seconded from NNIRR
– establishing 3 ad-hoc working groups (i. mandates and special procedures; ii. strategic planning, iii. PGA)
– focus on the 2011 PGA in November to build the coalition and officially launch it with a GCM meeting immediately following the PGA

The groups also met with representatives from the Collectif de Soutien aux Sans-Papiers from Geneva, to discuss the upcoming PGA and its organizing possibilities.

The GCM will reconvene after the 2011 GFMD and PGA in Geneva, on 3 December.